So in order to save these quotes, I'm porting them over from facebook to here.
"Can you come back later? I have some business I'm conducting with the Prince of Nigeria" - House MD
"2 things that aren't forgiven shirk and being in hufflepuff" - Nooreen Fatteh (fellow Ravenclaw)
"I don't have a favorite color. I think all colors are beautiful." - Nira Patel
"i recall a certain [insert medical student name] not leaving room for jesus when he was all up on me" - Jenny Thomas
"What friends" - Elizabeth Almon [in reference to anything I might say with the word "friends" in it]
"Your face...." - Helen King [i don't remember the exact context but it was a brilliant and well timed rebuttal leaving me disgraced]
"I hope they all die from a curry disease" - Andrew Mohamed
"1....2.....3.." - Robert Abdullah [2/17/09 - First Rectal Exam]
IHOP. [for Jenny and Umangi]
we can try to be happy broke bitches. - Umangi [referring to our future as doctors]