Monday, June 22, 2009

Things I Learned From Kids

So, I'm on my community medicine deal meaning I work on a project over the summer and shadow/ work with a Doc for four weeks. So I thought I'd share my revelations/observations. This will be ongoing..

Little kids hate ear exams, you'd think we were slowly advancing to them with a butcher knife the way the scream and writhe. It doesn't help that we pin down their arms but the irony is, the stiller the are... the less likely they'll be scraped or hurt.

If they're strep negative, afebrile, or we can't figure it out = it's viral.

People still don't grasp the idea that antibiotics don't work on viruses.

Viruses do what they want, when they want and even better, they like to set the ground for their buddy.. Mr . Superimposed Bacterial Infection.

Babies have the most paralyzing, disarming stares ever.

I love watching siblings interact. Maybe it's because I'm a big brother but when they laugh at the other one getting a shot/examined.. it just makes me giggle inside.

It's pretty damn obvious I'm not a regular.. I'm the only one in a white coat.

While, we're supposed to say we are medical student which I do, parents still prefer to call you doctor.. it makes you seem like you're legit.

Immunizations , most likely won't cause autism in your child but I can assure you poliovirus will cause polio and Hib will cause meningitis.

Mongolian spots are normal.. aka those random dark patches on kids... will go away with time.

Dysmorphic = looks weird

Kids love lollipops.

1 comment:

  1. #1. The white coat thing - SO TRUE. It's like that game - which one of these doesn't belong.
    #2. "Mr. Superimposed Bacterial Infection" = LOVE IT.
    #3. Baby stares are powerful things
    #4. The butcher knife analogy was quite well-written.

    That is all.
